An exquisite balance of the finest-quality loose whole leaf assam black tea and exotically flavoursome, traditionally grown indian spices highlighting the aromatic cardamom, sweet cinnamon, pungent peppercorn, fragrant cloves and hot ginger. We have captured the true flavour of this full-bodied black tea blend in biodegradable tea pyramids to give you a rich cup of tea traditional to india. Source — tea leaves from assam, spices from across the globe. Packaging — the container is made of card paper, window material is recycled plastic and the tube itself can be upcycled! Teabag material — 100% plastic-free, compostable teabags made from cornstarch. Packaging material — biodegradable plastic called natureflex™ made from wood pulp. Dimensions 8cm x 10cm Net weight .10 kg Capacity 15 teabags List of ingredients Black tea, cardamom, cinnamon, peppercorn, cloves and ginger